Silver Spurs Horse and Pony club

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4-H Horse Project Requirements
Horse Health Requirements
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This is where to find the dates to remember.

4-H meeting dates

November 13  2006       6:30pm       meeting at concord church

December 11 2006        6:30pm       meeting at concord church

january 8   2006       6:30pm       meeting at concord church

2006 Butler County 4-H Horse Events, Activities, and Deadlines


18    4-H horse advisory meeting and Preliminary list of fair stall requestsd due to  Donna Zang

21 Spring clinic Registrations due


6  Spring Clinic- Butler Fairgrounds

7 Spring Clinic- Butler Fairgrounds

16 4-H horse advisory meeting

18 Final list of fair stall requests w/ current health forms due to Donna Zang


1  4-H horse project enrollment forms due to extention office by 4:30pm and Butler fair entries due at Butler fair office

3   4-H open horse show series- Butler Fairgrounds

4   4-H open horse show series- Butler Fairgrounds

20   4-H horse advisory meeting

21  Regional 4-H horse production entries due to extension office

TBA  Penn State Regional horse camp- SW PA

30  Big Butler Fair!!!


1-8  Big Butler Fair!!!

18 4-H horse advisory meeting

24  NW Regional Production Show- Mercer 4-H Park

25  SW Regional Production show- Washington county fairgrounds


1-3  State 4-H achievement days- Penn State

5-6  4-H Open horse show series- Butler Fairgrounds

7-12  Butler Farm show

11  Roundup entries due to extension office

14  Equestrian in the arts entries due to extension office

15  4-H horse advisory meeting

15-17  Ag progress days- Equine educational program- Rocky Springs, PA

19  4-H Horse and Pony Roundup- Butler Fairgrounds

20  4-H Open horse show series- Butler Fairgrounds


8-10  District 4-H horse show- Fort Armstrong Horsemen's Association show grounds

16-17  4-H Fun show- Butler Fairgrounds

19  4-H horse advisory meeting


17  4-H horse advisory committee

27-29  State 4-H horse show


21   4-H horse advisory committee

updated 10/10/06